French Level 1
    Unit 8: Leçon 3 Interlude 1
    Verbs Ending in -ER
    We are now at the leçon where I give you the HUGE chart with TONS, well, maybe not tons, but A LOT of new verbs! Each verb is listed (as usual) "en français et en anglais", mais!(but!) this time, I have added sentences using vocabulary from previous leçons as examples of things that you might say using these new verbs. Study over the information on this chart very carefully. Say them with me as many times as you need, until you feel comfortable using them. This will help you with the next assignment which is a VERY IMPORTANT one (no pressure!)

    **Remember, all of the following verbs have the exact same spelling changes as the verbs that we have previously discussed: (dropping the "r" when used with "Je" or "J'", "il" and "elle"). Les Voilas! (Here they are!)
Track 76
Des Verbes    
aider to help Il aide la fille.
chercher to look for Je cherche mon stylo.
commencer to begin Elle commence la leçon.
compter (silent m and p) to count Elle compte les papiers.
demeurer to live Je demeure à Paris.
entrer to enter Il entre dans (in) la maison
fermer to close Je ferme la fenêtre.
habiter to live in *J'habite une petite (small) maison.
marcher to walk Il marche à l'école.
penser to think *Elle ne pense pas.
pleurer to cry Je pleure.
porter to carry, to bring (things, not people)
to wear
Elle porte une robe (dress).
tomber to fall *Luc tombe sur la derrière.
travailler to work *Victoire travaille à l'école.
trouver to find *Gilles trouve les films de J-C Van Damme très interessants!
    Just to see if you were paying close attention, I threw in some phrases that have a little "*" by them. The "*" means that there is something in that phrase that I haven't shown you before. Let's take a look at each of these phrases and see whassup! (That's a Luc word!)

    First, "J'habite une petite maison." What is strange about this sentence? If you said that there is a "J' " before the verb "habite" you are right! "Now wait a minute", I'm sure you're thinking, "I thought that "J' " only came before words that started with vowels. The letter "h" is NOT a vowel. So what is going on?!" I will explain.

    "J' " does come before words that begin with vowels, HOWEVER, (and this is a new thing) "J' " also comes before words that begin with the letter "h". Why? Because the letter "h" is NOT pronounced at the beginning of words in the French language. Thus the word "habite" actually begins with the "a" sound.

    Now, let's take a look at the last three sentences in the chart above:

    • Luc tombe sur la derrière. (Yes, the word, "derrière" means the same thing as it does "en anglais"!)

    • Victoire travaille à l'école.

    • Gille trouve les films de Jean-Claude Van Damme très interessants!

    In each of the sentences above, we have used the first name of each person instead of the words, "il" or "elle". Notice that the verb ending is still "e". Thus, it is possible to use names, OR "il" or "elle" when speaking sentences which contain any of these verbs if you so desire!

    It's now time for the next leçon. See you there!

Introduction / Leçon 1a / Leçon 1b / Leçon 1c / Leçon 1d / Leçon 1e / Leçon 1f / Interlude 1.1 / Interlude 1.2 /
Leçon 2 / Leçon 3 / Interlude 3.1 / Interlude 3.2 / Leçon 4 / Leçon 5 / Interlude 5.1 /