Video Permission Slips

Jordan High School

Mr. Charon-All History Classes

© 2002

Click on the line below the name of the video to be viewed in your course subject area to get your information:


World History American West
Gandhi (rated PG)
Video Synopsis
Video Permission Slip
Son of the Morning Star (rated PG-13)
Video Synopsis
Video Permission Slip


"He was not a commander or a ruler of nations, nor did he have scientific gifts. Yet this small, modest man did what others before him could not. He led an entire country to freedom. And he gave his people hope.

"Gandhi, the man of the century, is explored in the motion picture experience of a lifetime. A vision of the heart and soul of a man and an entire nation is so vividly portrayed in a masterful epic that, after 20 years in the making, won eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay.

"Gandhi once said, "Simple truth is more powerful than empires. The way of truth has always won." In stirring detail, Gandhi's prevailing truth explodes on the screen: as a defiant lawyer in South Africa; on his ashram in India where fixing a goat's sprained leg is as important as discussions of political strategy; at the horrific massacre at Amritsar where the British opened fire on 15,000 unarmed men, women and children; and at the dramatic march to the ocean where Gandhi led thousands of his fellow Indians in proof that the salt in the sea belonged to all and was not a British commodity. This is a collage of strength and endurance set in panoramic vistas that celebrate India and its people, where Gandhi's spirit ultimately triumphs - even after death.

"A distinguished cast of characters surround Academy Award-winning Ben Kingsley as Gandhi, including Candice Bergen, Martin Sheen, John Gielgud and Trevor Howard. An electric combination of breathtaking photography, acting and direction makes GANDHI a masterful motion picture classic - a movie as timeless as Gandhi himself."

© Artwork, Design, and Synopsis 1983 RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video. All Rights Reserved

World History Only


District guidelines require parental/guardian approval to show a "PG/PG-13" rated video to students.
We wll be viewing the video GANDHI (Approximate date will be announced in class and posted afterwards on this page!)

This film is rated "PG" because of the following:
It contains riot violence without gore. Mild profanity including racial slurs.

If you do not approve, the alternate learning experience will be:
A five page report on the life of Mahatma Gandhi including a timeline of important events in his life.


Circle one:


"General George Armstrong Custer... fearless, ruthless, always victorious.

"Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse...Sioux war chieftains desperate to save their tribes from annihilation.

"The day these legendary leaders and their armies met at the Battle of the Little Bighorn has gone down in history as Custer's Last Stand: a decisive showdown that cost Custer his life, and ultimately, proved to be the beginning of the end for the American Indians and their way of life.

"Now the danger and excitement of one of the most legendary chapters in American history unfolds in this action-packed epic saga of courage and honor, victory and defeat-shown for the first time from both points of view. Based on Evan S. Connell's national best seller, this electrifying adventure combines powerful performance and impeccable historical authenticity for an entertainment experience the Los Angeles Times called, "First-class, grandly staged filmmaking."

© Artwork, Design, and Synopsis 1991 Republic Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved

Son of the Morning Star:
American West Only


District guidelines require parental/guardian approval to show a "PG-13" rated video to students.
We wll be viewing the video SON OF THE MORNING STAR (Approximate date will be announced in class and posted afterwards on this page!)

This film is rated "PG-13" because of the following:
Contains war violence with gore. Profanity including racial slurs.

If you do not approve, the alternate learning experience will be:
A five page report on the Battle of the Little Bighorn.


Circle one:

© 2002 "E-mail Mr. Charon"

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