French Level 1
    Unité 12: Leçon 1b
    Les Phrases avec
    Le Verbe "Être"
    Now that you are familiar with some "emotion and feeling" words, let's take those words and put them into sentences so that we can use them to discuss how we, and others may feel. In order to construct our sentences, we will be using the verb "être" which you studied with Mlle. "D" in Unité 10.

    Let's begin with a quick review:

    Track 6
    Le Verbe "Être"  
    Je suis I am
    Tu es You are (familiar)
    Il est / Elle est He is / She is
    Nous sommes We are
    Vous êtes You are (formal)
    Ils sont / Elles sont They are (masc.) / They are (fem.)

    The graph below combines the forms of the verb "être" and the emotion/feeling words into sentences.

    Check them out:

    Track 7
    Le Phrases avec "Être"  
    Je suis content(e). I am happy.
    Tu es triste. You are sad.
    Il est en colère. He is mad (He is in anger)
    Elle est malade. She is ill.
    **Nous sommes incrédules. We are disbelievers
    (Yeah, I know this phrase sounds weird, but you know what I mean!)
    Vous êtes étonné. You are suprised.
    **Elles sont fatiguées. They are tired.

    Now let's make all of the above phrases negative:

    Track 8
    Le Phrases Négatives avec "Être"  
    Je ne suis pas content(e). I am not happy.
    Tu n'es pas triste. You are not sad.
    Il n'est pas en colère. He is not mad (He is not in anger)
    Elle n'est pas malade. She is not ill.
    **Nous ne sommes pas incrédules. We are not disbelievers.
    Vous n'êtes pas étonné. You are not suprised.
    **Elles ne sont pas fatiguées. They are not tired.

    Take a look back at the last two phrases, the ones with the stars**. Do you notice anything different about the emotion/feeling words in the phrases that did not appear on the picture chart in the last leçon? The words (pronouns), "nous" and "elles" represent more than one person. Notice what happened to the end of the emotion/feeling (adjective) word. We added an "s". Here is a very important rule you need to remember for writing French: Whenever we use the verb, "être" and it is followed by an adjective, the adjective must always agree, in every way, with the pronoun. This means that if the pronoun is singular the adjective is singular. If the pronoun is plural, the adjective must also become plural. If the pronoun, is masculine or feminine, the adjective becomes masculine or feminine.

    Now, let's suppose that we used the actual name of the person instead of a pronoun. The same rules still apply as those above. This means that should we have the name of only one person, the adjective is singular. If the person named is a male or a female, the adjective in the sentence must agree with the gender of the person that it describes. What if we have more than one name? The adjective used becomes plural. These new concepts provide a perfect segueway to the next part of the leçon.

    You remember that I told you that making emotion/feeling words masculine and feminine is very important in writing French. What about speaking French? The answer to the question is that the addition of the letter "s" is not as important in spoken French because an "s" on the endings of words ending are usually silent (Only if the next word does not start with a vowel).

    Take another look at each of the pictures and words below. Say each word shown in a sentence containing each of the "être" forms above, both masculine and feminine, affirmative and negative (don't worry, only you and I will know that you said all of these words as if you were the "other" gender. Remember, it's only for practice!) For example: you will say "je suis" and "je ne suis pas" for each word in the masculine form, then use "je suis" and "je ne suis pas" for each word in the feminine form. Then use "tu es" and "tu n'es pas" for each word, masculine and feminine, then "il est", "il n'est pas" then "elle est" and "elle n'est pas" then...well, you get the picture. If you don't remember how to say all of the words, listen to CD #2, Track 8 for the sentences above and CD #2, Track 5 for the words shown with pictures below and combine them into sentences by memory. Keep working on the new phrases until you are comfortable with them. Relax! Take your time! We're in no big rush! I'll see you in Leçon 2a when you're finished. Bonne Chance!
Les Émotions et
Les Sentiments

Track 5

Introduction / Leçon 1a / Leçon 1b / Leçon 2a / Leçon 2b / Leçon 2c /
Leçon 3a / Leçon 3b / Leçon 3c / Leçon 3d / Leçon 3e / Leçon 3f / Leçon 4 / Leçon 5a / Leçon 5b